Monday, June 24, 2013

when we stand and fight

Over the past two months, I have gotten to experience a different side to being a missional artist. In the month between internships, we fixed up the house, but we also partnered with an organisation that stands up for Christian opinions in the politics and media, and along with them, we worked to champion some of the causes that we feel passionate about. I went to the meetings that our leader had with the organisation, and I got to watch Christians fight for their beliefs in the political arena. I've never helped organise something of that magnitude before, and it was an honour to stand outside of British landmarks and declare the Lord's presence and ask for His grace and mercy to come down. There were hundreds of people there to sing God's praises and declare our love for God and the other people of the nation, and it was powerful to see so many people take a stand for God's heart.

The process also allowed me to use gifts that God has given me for which I never understood the purpose. I've never understood why God let me do one year of a broadcast journalism degree before having me change to theatre. I didn't know why I had taken so many public speaking classes, or why God led me to do an advertising minor with my degree. And yet, through our work with the Christian organisation, I found all of those aspects of my education useful. I attended planning meetings, helped with the publicity ideas, and did an on-camera promo for the events. God has a funny way of preparing me years in advance, and while I was complaining about the difficult exams and wasted classes, He could see how necessary it would be now.

That's something I'd like to remember now, as I prepare to do the first counseling school that our base is offering. While I may not understand how it will effect my life, I know that God is using what I am learning now to prepare me for His plans for my future. God's timing is perfect - even in the preparation stages. That is a truth that I am standing on.

1 comment:

  1. counseling school!? awesome. I love that you're able to see how God prepared you.
